Archive for April, 2006|Monthly archive page

Riddle me this

Why is Mike Skinner so pathetic in these video interviews? He's scrounging at straws about his stuff, dropping nonsense left and right. It must have been a white Christmas kind of morning. Now I like The Streets alright, mostly A Grand, but this guy's kind of a mess. Not Pete Doherty a mess (nor Courtney Love, stateside), but more like that guy who does coke and manages to get boring. 

Now the Professor Green re-cast (?) of "When You Wasn't Famous" is top notch. Green's riffing on Skinner the whole time for being so arrogant and rich. Unfortunately, I can't find this version anywhere online except streaming it on Myspace (last resort!) Hopefully someone puts it on CD in the near future.

I only believe the story tellers anymore

Picture by "LJ thelone"

Tall Dwarfs "Thought Disorder," "We Bleed Love," and "Lowlands"

This is one of those times where I have to ask myself: self, why haven't you looked into the Tall Dwarfs before? I keep coming back to these minimalist rock bands; they're bearing and gritting it, bittersweet chocolate in our mouths.

Oh shit, pick-me-up!

Dragonforce "Operation Ground and Pound"

This band gets more brutral and  ridiculous with each album. Fucking hell, where's my sword? We've got a serious dragon problem!